Frost protection of pipes and technological heating

Sometimes situations arise in which water distribution pipes freeze up even though they are equipped with thermal insulation. Not only pipes which lead through outdoor environments are aff ected but also distribution networks which lead through non-heated areas – cellars or basements, agricultural buildings etc. This problem can be solved with the help of heating cables. It is necessary to point out that when a heating cable is used, the pipes always need to be fi tted with thermal insulation (over the heating cables). The cable isn’t meant as a substitute for thermal insulation – it only compensates for the heat losses which cannot be prevented completely by any insulation. Cables can be used not only for the protection of pipes against freezing but also for preventing other transported liquids from dropping under a certain temperature – known as the technological heating. However, in these cases we recommend consultation regarding the solution with a specialized company so that heating cables used have not only suffi cient output but also suitable thermal endurance.
- antifrost protection of pipes
- maintenance-free efficient operation
- end with expensive piping repairs
- plug-in solution