The EXPO in Dubai has been postponed by a year

The International Bureau of Expositions BIE complied with the proposal of the Dubai organisers and presented the new opening and ending dates for the EXPO to the Member States at the end of April. In a single week, seventy-six out of the one hundred and thirteen voting countries voted in favour of postponing, which constitutes the minimum two-thirds needed. The EXPO in Dubai should open its gates on the 1st of October 2021 and close on the 31st of March 2022. Just as in the case of the already postponed Tokyo Olympic Games and other international sporting and cultural events due to take place in 2020, the change was caused by the worldwide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and anti-pandemic measures against COVID-19. The slowing down of deliveries and work on the EXPO essentially makes it impossible for most countries to complete their national pavilions and exhibitions on time and the situation would significantly reduce the attendance at the World Exposition.
The Czech Republic was one of the first to support the proposal to postpone the Dubai General Exposition. To confirm its participation, a new resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic is needed in order to complete the national pavilion and the exhibition according to the Czech Spring concept, which won the public tender announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is because the original mandate given to the Office of the General Commissioner for the EXPO in June 2017 expires at the end of the year 2021. If during May 2020, the BIE officially confirms the postponement of the EXPO in Dubai by one year, the cabinet could have a final decision regarding the participation of the Czech Republic by the end of June.
The pavilion itself should be completed according to the original schedule – that means completed by June 2020, approved during July, and handed over to the Office of the General Commissioner for use at the end of August this year. The office has already asked the Organisers for information about the rules of annual maintenance and the protection of buildings and exhibits at the exposition grounds, and an answer is expected in the coming days. The Czech pavilion will most likely be one of the few functional buildings at the entire EXPO.
If and when it will become an open exhibition gallery according to the "Czech Spring" concept should be clear during the summer of this year.
We remind you that the company FENIX will present 2 exhibits at the Expo in Dubai as part of the rotating exposition, which we presented to you here.