Radiant heating in industrial facilities

The aim is to set indicative consumption reference values for similar types of building using an example of a real production plant.
Radiant heating is by its very nature particularly suitable for rooms with higher clear heights, which are typical for industrial and agricultural buildings. At the same time, production plants in particular usually buy electricity at wholesale prices, and so the idea naturally occurs to combine the benefits of radiant heating with the more favourable price of electricity.
FENIX has been producing electric radiant heating systems for more than 30 years, and one of the main product groups is ECOSUN® S+ high-temperature radiant panels, which are designed for the aforementioned type of building. A very common question from potential clients concerns the operating costs that can be expected from such applications. As FENIX uses high-temperature panels in a dominant way for the heating of its own premises at the production plant in Jeseník (mountain climate), the following study was created. Its aim was to assess and determine indicative energy consumption reference values for electric radiant heating.
The assessment period is the heating season from 1. 9. 2020 to 31. 5. 2021. The energy consumption for heating was taken from the monitoring of an SAS (Peak-shaving storage station), and the selection of facilities was adapted to the measured circuits. The average outdoor temperature for this heating season was 4.7 °C (continuous measuring of temperatures at OC FENIX). The consumption is intentionally given in kWh to make it easier to estimate the operating costs according to different energy prices, or compare them with the energy consumption of other types of heating.
Complete study you can find here